Hungry? Thirsty? Feel like taking a break? Needaresto guides you simply and efficiently to your preferred restaurant, cafe or bar in your area. A brief fact sheet with all important information, including photo, shows you at a glance if the restaurant or cafe is suitable. Needaresto is launched in Berlin, Germany with further cities to follow.
Benefits of needaresto:
Multiple search criteria:
Search for nearby restaurants within a specified range
search according to:
style of cuisine
suburb or district
type of establishment
price range
lunch special
Route planner directions by foot, car or public transport
Almost all entries include a photo
At a glance all relevant information with opening hours
With needaresto all data is checked and current, so you wont need to worry about finding somewhere that no longer exists.
Photos and where applicable menus display what the restaurant has on offer.
We intentionally refrain from using customer reviews, as they are not always objective opinions.
Available now in Berlin, Germany. Further cities to follow soon!